Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Ralston's First Day of First Grade

He didn't want to hold still for a picture. It seems like he had a good day. Long, but a positive experience, thankfully. It was weird having him gone for 6 hours.


  1. He does look so grown up with that serious face. :) I bet 6 hrs. is quite the change. Especially since he is so good to help entertain the younger ones. Marshall will be gone 10 hrs. if you include the bus ride there and back. Crazy huh! And this is kindergarten. You can tell this is a 2-income community and parents don't want to pay for daycare.

  2. 10 hrs! Wow! Well, Marshall enjoys staying busy and it will keep peace around the house with less time for teasing. :)

  3. WHAT?! 10 hours?! I know part of that is the bus ride, but why sooooo long???
