Saturday, May 31, 2014
Breakfast Buddies
Since Spencer and I love breakfast, we went on a date to IHOP to use my free birthday meal coupon. Plus, the middle child can always use some special attention, right?
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Dance Festival
Ralston performed in his school dance festival. I filmed it, but wasn't sure how or if I could post it here. He didn't want us to come watch, cause he said it was silly and embarrassing. He is like a teenager already! We stayed and watched all the grades perform. I loved it! It was so fun to watch! So entertaining and we'll practiced. Very cool performances!
Mustache Mania
Raly got these at a school party. He was nice to share his loot with his bros. It is more fun that way. Even Reed (off to the side there) was happy to eat a gummy mustache. Two days left of school! We have been riding bikes home from school. Fun! Loving the nice weather!
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Friday, May 23, 2014
Little Scraper
Our dear Reed is showing early signs of the genetic defect so commonly found in Wollschlegers. A scraper! Whitney, you would be so proud.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
I keep meaning to tell everyone that cousin Derek got married. Last week Joe heard Porter and me outside playing so he poked his head over the fence and told me. Apparently Derek had a girl with him at Grandma's funeral. I guess right after that they drove to southern Utah and since it was their 1 month anniversary of dating they decided to drive to Vegas and get married. Just thought I'd let you all know.