Saturday, May 31, 2014


Ok mothers, and fathers, would you PLEASE check out our baby registry and tell me if I am missing anything or if I picked a really bad brand or something like that. Especially check out the car seat, stroller, and pack n play. I did a little research on what was the best but I really did not know what to pick. The car seat I was going mostly for safest and lightest. The car seat and the stroller were the things I was picky on, everything else I just went for the better price. So tell me if I need to change anything, or if you would suggest otherwise please. Thank you so much!

Breakfast Buddies

Since Spencer and I love breakfast, we went on a date to IHOP to use my free birthday meal coupon. Plus, the middle child can always use some special attention, right?

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Dance Festival

Ralston performed in his school dance festival. I filmed it, but wasn't sure how or if I could post it here. He didn't want us to come watch, cause he said it was silly and embarrassing. He is like a teenager already! We stayed and watched all the grades perform. I loved it! It was so fun to watch! So entertaining and we'll practiced. Very cool performances!

Mustache Mania

Raly got these at a school party. He was nice to share his loot with his bros. It is more fun that way. Even Reed (off to the side there) was happy to eat a gummy mustache. Two days left of school! We have been riding bikes home from school. Fun! Loving the nice weather!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Add on girls. Well the kings won game three, so that's good.
Also waiting for the snow to melt so we can climb Lewis peak.
Getting paid on friday. yay! Fish has a new lady friend, so that
kinda sucks. I mean she's cool and all, but Fish and women don't
mix very well. I'm still trying to get dad to buy himself a bike. We
went for a little ride today and he took moms bike, but he really
needs to get his own.  Words from Ben

Friday, May 23, 2014

Ralston's Graduation

My kindergarten grad! One year down for Ralston, many more to go! Good luck little buddy.

Little Scraper

Our dear Reed is showing early signs of the genetic defect so commonly found in Wollschlegers. A scraper! Whitney, you would be so proud.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Hey Fam,
 I keep meaning to tell everyone that cousin Derek got married. Last week Joe heard Porter and me outside playing so he poked his head over the fence and told me. Apparently Derek had a girl with him at Grandma's funeral. I guess right after that they drove to southern Utah and since it was their 1 month anniversary of dating they decided to drive to Vegas and get married. Just thought I'd let you all know.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

An unprepared future mother needs your help

Alright experienced mother and sisters (and fathers!) I need your help. A friend in my ward wants to throw me a baby shower and she suggested registering some where so guests have an idea of what I need. The problem is that I have no idea what I need! So first of all, where would you suggest registering? And what would you suggest registering for? What are the must haves, or things you did not have that you wish you had? Also, what are things that you would NOT register for? What are all the unnecessary items that stores try to get you to buy that are really just that, unnecessary? Or what are the things that you automatically always get a ton of and don't need to register for even more? And what are the things that you don't need to register for but you would suggest us buying ourselves? Basically any advice would help. We are coming up on the '3 months left' mark and it is a little nerve racking how little preparing we have actually done. August just seems so far away still, but I am sure it will come fast! So, thanks for all your help and support!