Friday, March 7, 2014

Lewis baby and Bean update

So I know I am terrible with the whole phone thing and with keeping in touch so I will try to at least update here some. I had a doc appointment yesterday and the baby is doing well. It took him awhile to find the baby's heart beat because the baby was so low, either that or I am just really long so it is harder to find. I was told I need to get more calcium, so if you nutritionist out there have any thoughts please let me know. Besides calcium tablets, milk, yogurt, and leafy greens I am up for any ideas. Also if you have any good recipes that contain a lot of calcium please share. We have finally come to the decision that we are not going to find out if baby is girl or boy. Ty was talking to a guy at work and the man said that they had done it both ways and he liked not finding out more so that helped convince Ty, so should be fun. I don't think I am showing too much yet. If I really let my belly hang I definitely am but thanks to mom's prodding on posture and tucking the belly in while growing up, it is not too big yet. (I am actually extremely grateful to you for that mom. Thank you!) But it is definitely growing by the day, so that will not last long. A sweet lady I work with brought cookies to work. As she put it, it was to 'celebrate my birth.' So everyone thought it was my birthday at first :) Ben is doing great, he has been working on his incline running. He ran 500 ft in elevation in 35 minutes! Say a few prayers that he can find a second job and find a nice place to live! We have really been on the search the last few days. Love you all!


  1. Yeah for a surprise!! We totally agree with the "guy from work". :) Thanks for the baby update. I'm already going through my baby stuff and setting things aside that I can give you if you want them. I know you are not a big milk drinker...what about chocolate or strawberry milk? I always craved chocolate milk and cheese when I was pregnant. I believe yogurt has more calcium per serving than milk. Ive never taken calcium tablets...probably a good idea for you. Crepes has a lot of milk in it. Tell Ben he's a "machine"! Sheesh!

  2. I have some preggo clothes if you want to try what i have. I will bring them and you can decide if you want to borrow anything.

  3. Yes please! Thank you, my wardrobe is already slowly dwindling.
