Monday, March 31, 2014

New Job

Ty got a job at Icon! We have been looking for a good job that would provide insurance so that when I leave Icon we will still get good insurance. There was a job opening at Icon so he applied and got the job! He is a samples technician, he can explain what that means when you see him next. He still works a little for the gym doing outside corporate sales, which means he will be selling to big companies rather than just signing up individual people which also means he will probably be busy but we are excited. We have definitely been blessed this last week and are very grateful for it. Just thought I would update you all on that. We have our next doctors appointment this Thursday and maybe I will be able to put up some fun pictures. Love you all!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Mom, hoots, corn and lenard: Going to the Women's broadcast last night made me miss you and the times we used to all go to the women and young women events together. How blessed i have been to have grown up with your example and to be best friends with such amazing women. God knew what he was doing when He had me be the last girl because He knew by having all of your examples was the only way I would turn out even remotely okay. I love you all, and just remember it is a sisterhood 😉

Growing beards in grammy's tub!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Daddy Daughter Date

Dad and I went and saw the movie gravity in 3D. It was great fun! So here are the twins in our twinner glasses.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Reed 's big boy bed!

Bye, bye, crib! It got to the point where Reed preferred to sleep on the floor, rather than his bed. So we figured we might as well bring out the toddler bed a coworker gave Tyler. Reed loves it! He has done quite well with the transition. Weird to be able to put the crib away, we usually had another baby to fill it with.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Why we call him BUG EYES!

It's not easy to get a decent pic of Lincoln. Most of the time his eyes are buggin' out; looking all creepy! :) It sure gives us a good laugh though.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

What's for dinner?

So I tried something different tonight, I 'm calling it Tuscan Roasted Vegies with Pinenuts.  Give it a try and tell me what you think .
2 small russet potatoes, scrubbed and cubed
1 small zucchini , cut into bite size pieces
1/2 cup onion, cubed
5-6 medium size mushrooms quartered (could of used more)
5 small red sweet peppers cubed/ or use 1 large red bell
1/3 cup fresh parsley,chopped
3 T olive oil
1 T balsamic vinegar
1 clove garlic,minced
1 t. Italian seasoning

Put Vegies in a oven proof dish , pour pesto mixture over the top and toss well.  Sprinkle with pine nuts (I used about 1/4 cup).  Bake in 375 degree oven for about 45-50 minutes.  We had craisen,orange,pecan,cinnamon,oat muffins with it.  Let me know what you think!  Thanks

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Help Wanted

Sarah texted me and she is running for student council and needs some campaign ideas.  Heather already came up with "don't be a dud, vote for Judd".  So put your creative thinking caps on and let's give her some good ideas.  She attends Payson High, home of the lions. She needs a poster and a video.  Text or call Marcie or Sarah with your ideas.

Best Buds

I hope Ralston and Spencer will always be buddies, even when they grow too old to hold hands.

Play Ball!

They all have the funniest expressions on their faces.

Porter`s newest trick

Porter has really been focused on increasing his flexibility lately. We think he's doing pretty well!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Conference weekend.

Just putting the word out.  Everyone's welcome here for conference weekend. Just give me a heads-up so I can be well prepared.  Cinnamon/orange,cranberry rolls have already been requested, which is a little absurd.  Conference without rolls is like saying, the tabernacle choir won't be singing, or there won't be any beautiful flowers on the stand, or heaven forbid, the prophets on vacation!  Love to have you all!.  Also what are everyone's plans for Easter?  There is an open invitation for that also.  Love you all!  Mom

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Happy Birthday Ralston and Reed!

Thanks to the family that came to the party. Everyone else was truly missed. There was plenty of leftovers. Raly had an ice berg cake. And Reed had an airplane cake.

Our Wall

I know most of the fam has seen this.  But I thought I might show Heather what we ended up doing with our big wall. It took a lot of thought and planning. Even Ralston helped in the inspiration of it.

Silly Spencer

Spencer calls this his, "night, night, hat"

Cat in the Hat

Ralston dressed up for Dr. Seuss week at school. I helped in the classroom and Spencer came with me. Spencer loves to come. He says, " then I won't miss Raly so much".

Partners in Crime

Porter and Reed are buddies after all.

Happy Hair Washing

Washing hair at our house just got easier. My boys love tubbies, but dread getting their hair washed. This $2 Amazon purchase just made life easier. And the pink was cheaper than blue. 😅

At the Zoo

Homer boys, Grandma and Burtons had a great day at the zoo. So fun to see the animals in real life!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Lewis baby and Bean update

So I know I am terrible with the whole phone thing and with keeping in touch so I will try to at least update here some. I had a doc appointment yesterday and the baby is doing well. It took him awhile to find the baby's heart beat because the baby was so low, either that or I am just really long so it is harder to find. I was told I need to get more calcium, so if you nutritionist out there have any thoughts please let me know. Besides calcium tablets, milk, yogurt, and leafy greens I am up for any ideas. Also if you have any good recipes that contain a lot of calcium please share. We have finally come to the decision that we are not going to find out if baby is girl or boy. Ty was talking to a guy at work and the man said that they had done it both ways and he liked not finding out more so that helped convince Ty, so should be fun. I don't think I am showing too much yet. If I really let my belly hang I definitely am but thanks to mom's prodding on posture and tucking the belly in while growing up, it is not too big yet. (I am actually extremely grateful to you for that mom. Thank you!) But it is definitely growing by the day, so that will not last long. A sweet lady I work with brought cookies to work. As she put it, it was to 'celebrate my birth.' So everyone thought it was my birthday at first :) Ben is doing great, he has been working on his incline running. He ran 500 ft in elevation in 35 minutes! Say a few prayers that he can find a second job and find a nice place to live! We have really been on the search the last few days. Love you all!

Our trip to find some sun

 This is one of Ty's favorite shows so we had to stop here, he was a bit gitty while we were there
Ty also really likes Chef Ramsay's show so we stopped by to check out his restaurant. 

This is us on the strip, we only lasted one night until I decided I had experience enough to last me but there was some cool stuff to see.

The water show at the Bellagio, this was really cool, I felt like I was on Ocean's 11 

There is some beauty in Vegas still

The pictures don't do justice but the temple and the grounds were just beautiful!