Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Not the best picture of us...a little blurry, missing some spots and Ralston didn't want to be in the pic, but it was still a good cow day at Chick-fil-a. Hardly any wait this time!


  1. Wish I could of been there!!! Your the funnest mom, what lucky kiddoes.

  2. I love it! All so cute and creative! Hailey is so cute! Thanks again for reminding me.

  3. Wish I would've remembered earlier so we could've joined you!

  4. I am definitely an embarrassing mom! Ralston thinks he is getting too old for this. I say, "HA, never too old for some fun!" Hailey wouldn't nurse while I had my nose painted. She just stared at me with a big grin. Even she knew mom looked silly. OH.. something else funny... Hailey and I went shopping together and I was trying on hats. Without even looking in a mirror, I could tell from Hailey's expression if the hat was a "no-go". My daughter is already telling her mom what's "not cool".
