Monday, September 22, 2014

Birthday Boy!!

Yeah we survived the first year! Has it really only been 1 year, it sure seems like he has been around a lot longer than that! Lincoln has changed a lot over these last few months. Now that he is more independent and mobile his whole attitude about life is much different. He was definitely my hardest baby but has turned into such a joy! He loves climbing more than any of our other boys. Give him a set of stairs and he's entertained for hours. :)   He now sleeps through the night (for the love...THANK YOU!) and he seems to be tolerating cows milk. The 3 things that will evoke high pitched squeals of delight are bathtime, doggies, and slides. We sure adore our little Linkster and feel blessed to have him part of our family! Happy 1st Birthday little man!


I am a horrible mom and forgot to take any pictures of him on his birthday, (we only did video) but, these were taken sometime last week. To celebrate his day we had a waffle bar with all kinds of toppings (mini chocolate chips, fruit, cream, syrup, PB, and even homemade candied pecans).  We decorated his waffle with all kinds of goodies and let him dig in.  Unfortunately or maybe fortunately, he didn't care for any of the sugary stuff. He kept trying to scrap it off so he could just get to the waffle. We have it on video it's pretty funny. His brothers not only helped pick out his gifts but they also wrapped them up themselves and surprisingly :)  have played more with them than Lincoln has.  Great times!!


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LINCOLN!!! I can't believe how much he has grown up since we saw him last. Happy he is sleeping through the night for you. Can't wait to see you all in a few weeks!

  2. I can't believe it has been a year since he was born. Went fast. I'm so happy too that he is sleeping through the night! He is such a cutie, excited to see you all!

  3. I can't wait to meet this new version of Lincoln. My boys are excited too, they love him. When are you coming?

  4. Corn the plan is to drive down Saturday the 11th. Trent has to work Thursday, so we will have to leave Wednesday night. Guess we should be happy we can get 4 days with Trents wild schedule. Can't wait to see everyone!!
