Wednesday, April 15, 2015

This ain't Kansas anymore!

Did you all survive the stormado?! Or did you get any of that storm at all? We got hit hard with wind. The stakes holding the playset down started coming up and I watched wincing every time the Playset tipped. We kept adding ropes tying it to the tree till the tipping stopped. The town was in an uproar with trees and fences down. The craze as the kids were let out of school was a sight to see. It felt like we lived in Kansas!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tuesday morning

This is too funny to not share. Hope you all have a great day!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Happy 6 months

Hey guys, it's me, Tate. I'm 6 months old today. My doctor appointment went well. I am 27" long 67% and 18lbs 64%. There must be some really fat babies out there. I'm happy, healthy, and lovin life!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


I WISH I could say, "April fools!", BUT all I can say is..."blasted wind!!" It seriously sounded like a tornado last night. We asked Costco what the warranty covers, (since we have had it less than a year), and they said just to bring it back. "Thank you Costco, you saved the day!"
