Tuesday, October 22, 2013

October Birthday Poems....Love Mom & Hoot

Hoppy Birfday Leonard!

Once upon a time there lived a lovely girl with honey colored hair.
Her laughter, her courage,  her tender heart full of care,
Make Lindsey a women of beauty so rare.

A runner, a storyteller, a voice animator, oh wait, there's more,
With talents,testimony and skills galore
She's become a hot commodity , that's for sure!

Hard things in her life have come and gone
She know what's  right and she knows whats wrong
All this learning has made her soo very strong.

Among her many suitors, Blake did willingly court her
And the result has brought us our adorable Porter
He's the image of his dad, just a little bit shorter. 

This sweet little redhead is full of mischief and dare
And sends his dear mother into deep despair
But if its her OWN pain, please relieve her with a pear.

Today is her birthday, she turns twenty eight 
We're glad she chose Blake as her forever mate
And many  more redheads we eagerly await.

Welcome to the Family Ty!

There once was a husband, his name was Ty
He married for his in-laws, this is no lie.

A handsome man, tall, dark and burly
He lives at the gym, so don't ever call him girlie

He married our Whitney, his smartest move!
A man of high intelligence, this he did prove

Always willing to serve, family, friends or the ward
When Ty's around it's your fault if your bored.

Just a fun loving guy who loves to tumble around
Especially with the nephews all over the ground

Food, fun and football are a few of his interests
And the newly acquired, decorating from Pinterest. 

When describing Ty the word "character" comes to mind :)
But all in all we think Whitney made a good find! 

Your birthday poem is now complete
We hope your ego we did not deplete!

Take a deep breath, we went easy this year,
Better gird up your loins for the future you may fear.


28 years this year, eh? Still such a young buck. Or should I say doe? :) Have a good one, we love you!

Better Late Than Never

Hello everyone, this is the Lewis’ speaking. I was lucky enough to be able to go visit our ‘plane distance away’ family this month. Heather and I had a lot of fun taking the boys to do all sorts of fun adventures. My favorite of course was the adventure to the hospital to see Lincoln, what a sweet little boy he is. I think he will be a really good baby. My second favorite was going to Port Farms, I love fun fall things like that. The weather was perfect while I was there. From what I hear the temperature was pretty cold in Utah but since I have been back it has been fairly warm. Logan has some compassion after all. Well I miss those Jensens a lot and can’t wait for them to move closer in the spring!  The fall colors were beautiful out there and have been getting prettier here. Work has been busy for me lately but slow for Ty; that will probably switch come the Holiday months. Ty and I have been trying to eat health in preparation for the Holidays so if you have any yummy healthy recipes please send them our way. We went to a Halloween party last weekend and dressed up as Russell and Mr. Fredrickson from the Disney movie Up. We looked pretty good. Unfortunately we left our camera at the cabin so we didn’t get a picture. We have a couple more parties this weekend to attend so maybe between the two we can get a picture somehow to show you. Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Lindsey TODAY! Hope you have a fabulous and wonderful day, and hopefully Porter doesn’t have too many presents he wants to ‘throw’ your way. Hope you are all doing well, love you all!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

After Lincoln's first bath

These are newborn clothes, and as you can see they are humongous on him! 

His sweet little face just melts my heart!

Our Little Peanut!

Can't believe our little guy is a month old! We sure love him to pieces! He was discharged home this past Sunday evening, weighing only 4lbs. 13oz.  He is doing great though with only a few minor concerns. He eats like a champ, and is finally starting to put on some weight. The brothers can't get enough of him and would smother him all day if we let them. We think he looks a lot like his dad, hopefully he'll get his blue eyes too! Thanks for all your love and support! Sure appreciate all the messages, phone calls, and prayers on our behalf. We know we have been extremely blessed through this pregnancy and delivery. Can't wait for you all to meet our sweet little Lincoln! Hope this finds everyone well!

Trent, Heather, Marshall, Sawyer, and baby Lincoln

Thursday, October 17, 2013

P.S. I very well EXPECT two poems written in behalf of mine and Ty's birthdays this month. THANK YOU!

A little something from the Burton's...

Popo and Lindsey got haircuts. Compliments to Porter for my black eye!

The awesome pillows Mom made for our bed! She sure is talented. Thanks to Dad for his help on the buttons and thanks to Ty for his moral support :)

We got this huge recliner to fit in Porter's room. I love it. It will be perfect for nursing future minions.

Our yummy butternut squash soup we made for dinner!

Popo posing in his pink bib :)

 A closer shot of my black eye. Porter threw a toy and it hit my face. Best aim I've ever witnessed!

 Popo playing with his Daddy.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Giving it a try

I am trying to post a blog.  I think that is what you tech geeks call it.  Ben got his learners permit today.  So Heeeeere we go!  Another one taking drivers ed.  We made carmeled apples tonight for our Mutual activity.   This is the most exciting thing that has happened all week.  (For me, that is!)  OK  I am going to get ready for bed now.  I just wanted to see if this really works.  Have a nice night.  Love,  Dad

Monday, October 14, 2013

Dear Family,
  It has been a very busy fall. I am trying to put everything in order so I can head out to the Jensens'.  I can't wait to meet Lincoln.  Fortunately when I come back I will be done working at the OBG so I can spend more time doing what I love best,  (playing with my favorite boys, Jensens included).  Here are a few pics from the cabin and a few shots from work.  I should of taken them last week when you could see the fall colors better, but that's me, always a day late and a dollar short.  Love you all! Mom
p.s. I would appreciate your prayers as Ben and I drive back home!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

This is your dad speaking.  I had fun at the cabin. We need to go more often just to have a few laughs.  For those who weren't there, we were talking about all the things the girls did to tease each other (pants-ing while face washing) and other subjects we don't want to revisit.  I am glad that Porter made it home without more scars or injury.  It was fun to see the Homer boys using their creativity (leaf pictures). That's all I can scrape up to say. (It's Sunday night- Dad needs to rest his mind). :)

Ben's Adventures

Ben has enjoyed mountain biking with Jeremy. He will sure miss him as he leaves for Guatemala this week. Ben has some exciting upcoming adventures as he starts drivers ed tomorrow! It should take only 9 days to complete. He is buying Trent's car. He will fly out to Pennsylvannia (lucky!) and drive his new car home with mom. They plan to stop at some cool places on the way home, so it should be an exciting road trip. But hopefully not too adventurous. :) Ben is hoping to find a job in the beloved Logan and begin a new adventure in the story we call life.

October 2013 Cabin Trip

The fall colors were so gorgeous up at the cabin. We were also met with this surprise on the way up. A whole ton of sheep were being herded down the dirt road. It was fun for the kids to see, so we didn't mind being held up a bit. 
We laughed at the stupidity of the sheep. It made me think about how oft times we are compared to sheep and the Savior is our shepherd. He doesn’t push, because that just makes some sheep run astray. But he kindly leads. Jesus led, but these sheep were being herded from behind and it didn’t always seem like the most constructive way. These herders were on horseback and they had dogs, who would listen to the whistles of the man and they would some times get vicious getting the sheep to go the right way. The Savior is much more gentle. I could see the difference between a sheep herder and a Shepherd. The Shepherd knows his sheep by name and they listen to His voice. 

Reed loves his new baby cousin, ShayLee Kay Brown. This picture was taken at the Homer cabin. It has been a great year full of fun cabin trips. 

Classic Reed face.

Nothing like hot cocoa at the cabin.

So happy to be at the cabin!

Reed Bert. (we have some great nicknames in this fam)

We woke up to a beautiful sight Friday morning. This soft blanket of snow didn't last long. It melted throughout the day and left mud and puddles.....

...But mud and puddles are heaven for little boys tromping around in their boots.

Yes, we borrowed the neighbor's swing. It was in the warm sunshine. 

This kind of stroller works a lot better in the wet terrain. 

Spencer and Reed at the lake. LOVE this pic!

We watched a young bull moose walk along the lake's edge. We are so blessed to have such a great cabin in such a great place. I am so glad that our children can make fun memories at the cabin. It is so nice to be able to escape the city and noise and enjoy the peaceful beauty of God's creation in nature. THANKS!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Happy Birthday Ty!

Happy Birthday Ty! Hope is was good spending it with the Wollys. We sure are glad to have you in the fam.