Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Ralston's First Day of Kindergarten

Ralston had a great first day of kindergarten. He was super nervous going in, but came out loving it. So glad to have that first day over with. His teacher is Mrs. Maxwell.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Everyone check out
and go to the Photos from "The Fish Lake Relay 2013". There are some awesome pictures of Ben, and one very candid picture of the rest of us. 


Eight years is it now? Enjoy!


We love you and are thinking of you today! Love, The Homers

Fish Lake Relay

August 24, 2013

The race started at 6:30am and boy was it chilly! But we are glowing with ambition!

Nice Legers!!!

The cold was paralyzing which made this leg harder than expected. And the fact that I had hardly slept a wink.
On your mark, get set, GO!

"Help! I'm numb, I'd rather drink hot chocolate right now!"

At the first exchange we were in about 6th place (out of 22). I was the second girl to cross. SO happy to let Whitney take over! GO WADDLE!

Ben had so much Umph on this leg. He was even yelling at the cows! He was on FIRE! Ben totally smoked this girl.

Passing off to Lindsey!

Lin needed to change on the run. Things are heating up fast!

Ben catching his breath after his mighty first leg.

Lindsey had a very difficult first leg. Straight up, then straight down. The elevation made her feel like she had left her head floating at the peak. She conquered the mountain!

Mama passes off to Corinne. We are on our second set of legs.  Run AGAIN?!....SO SOON?! Kill me now! 

Here is Whitney giving Corinne helpful advice on how to get rid of side aches. Thanks Whit! The elevation and afternoon heat made me feel like a load of bricks. My heart nearly burst out of my chest!

She'll be comin' round the mountain when she comes....


Thanks for the drink, Beandog!

Some much needed shade on a run in the blaring heat! Quite the switch from my first freezing cold run. 

Our Lenard!

Awesome scenery!

The exchange point is in sight! Hallelujah!

Givin' it all I had left.

I'm a comin'!

Whitney's turn again. Ben giving the power punch. 

A special thanks to Ty, for letting us abuse, or I mean, use his vehicle. 

Whitney passed off to Ben at this park. Whitney had to run through water that had pooled under a bridge. She ran the last 2 miles without socks. She is so hard core!

We didn't have the camera ready for the real thing, so here is Whitney posing for her final last stretch of the run. She nearly blacked out with the thought of turning one more corner to the exchange, but with mom's encouragement and her competition close behind her, she finished with flying colors.
I think our Wolly Legers were a big hit at the race.
We started calling this girl, "Ben's girlfriend", since he ran both of his legs with her. On this second leg, she started way before him, but he was able to catch up to her. Even though she managed to stay right in front of him, he actually ran this leg faster than her since he started later. But just like in a marriage, you have to let them feel like they win every once and a while. So proud of you, Ben!
It takes time to cool down after a run. Thanks for sacrificing your knees for the team. Don't worry, you are still young.
Ben had "WOLLSCHLEGER POWER" written on his arms. Great team/family spirit!

Here is Ty, mentally preparing for his second and final leg.

And here he is again, grabbing one last good, deep breath.

Here comes Lenard, finishing strong. Lindsey totally left everyone in the dust on her second leg.

I think she is smiling in this pic. It must be cause she can see Ty waiting to take over.

And here is the exchange. Little did Ty know what he was in for.

Ty had long, hard, discouraging stretches of road ahead of him.

Okay, we sent off our next runner, now lets go catch up to him.

Taking a well deserved snooze.

Ty had the misfortune of getting bad leg cramps. Poor guy!

Here is the exchange to mom. The final leg of the run!

Here is mom getting her music up and running. And her legs!

We got lots of extra exercise as we did our best to take care of our runners.

Water? Gatorade? Some of both?

Lin and Whit, waiting to see what mom might need as she cruises through.

Looks like she needed water. It was windy at this point and it was drying out her mouth.

Mom's hip was bothering her. But we had to jog to keep up with her speed walk. You all know what I am talking about.

Here is Whit, giving mom some company.

Absolutely LOVE this pic! Lins is lounging out in the back of the truck, while you can see mom coming up fast.

We finished! And we had our cheerleaders anxiously waiting for us. Special thanks to Papa Pete and Tyler for taking on the more difficult and important job. Don't worry, you will join us one of these times!

Here we are with our faded Wolly Legers. We got sweet medals and shirts... AND sunburns and sore muscles to show for our efforts this day. Well worth it! We accomplished this together, through good and bad. That is what family is all about! Love you all!